Cavan irish pub gay bar columbus ohio

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But most key points of interest fall within a rectangle that extends from just south of downtown, where you’ll find charming German Village, to several miles north of downtown, past the trendy and quite gay Short North neighborhood to the campus of Ohio State University.

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The metro region covers a large area, most of it encircled by I-270. population and has a major airport minutes from downtown. More recently, it’s become a hot culinary destination, with a seemingly endless parade of young, creative chefs and restaurateurs - and even some artisan brewers and distillers - generating plenty of buzz.Ĭolumbus (/glbt.cfm for tourism information) lies within a day’s drive of two-thirds of the U.S. Progressive and prosperous, it’s home to several outstanding art galleries, a handful hip and historic neighborhoods with visible LGBT populations, and one of the largest institutions of higher learning in the country, Ohio State University. As a gay destination, Columbus has increasingly earned cred as one of the coolest and most welcoming cities in the Midwest.

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